Welcome to PDT, Inc.
Precision Data Technology (PDT) , a manufacturing and product development company located in the Pacific Northwest, provides quality test and measurement instrumentation for the nuclear safeguards industry.
Our Product Line consists of a variety of standard and customized charge-sensitive amplifier modules providing users a complete, efficient and reliable solution for neutron counting.
PDT is proud to introduce our family of radiation hardened compact neutron pulse monitoring modules. PDT's Neutron Pulse Monitoring Modules contain a precision highly sensitive wide bandwidth charge sensitive preamplifier. The preamplifier is followed by an amplifier, wave shaping circuitry, discriminator and low output impedance driver that convert the discriminator pulse to a standard TTL pulse.
If you need a high voltage
supply, we have integrated this into modules also. Using
Neutron Pulse Monitoring Modules, you have the ability to view and control the
amplifier sensitivity by adjusting the gain or discriminator threshold. You can
also vary the TTL pulse width and even control the high voltage power supply
over a range of 0 to 2200 volts. Many other features are also available,
including high radiation resistance modules, all designed to make your job
easier. Leave the electronics burden to us, so you can focus on your data
gathering and analysis. Modules can be customized to your application
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Tim Eccleston